
The University of New England enjoys a safe environment due in large part to a community that considers safety and respect for others' core values. 然而,我们的社会也不能幸免于犯罪. Almost weekly we see examples of violence occurring on other campuses throughout the nation. The below are proven guidelines that could keep you safe if violence occurs on campus. We hope you will take the time to read through these suggestions and contact the Department of Safety and Security with any questions you may have.

  • 立即拨打911,然后转分机. UNE安全和安保366.
  • 尽可能多地报告有关事件的信息:
    • 位置
    • 涉及人数
    • 受伤
  • The Department of Safety and Security will determine what protective actions should be taken.



  • Lock all doors and windows; barricade door if no lock is present.
  • 关掉电灯和任何音响设备.
  • 移动到房间里一个别人看不到你的地方, 比如最靠近走廊的墙, 桌子下面或文件柜后面.
  • 等到一个被认可的联合国官员, 联合国安全和安保干事, 或者警官允许你出来.


When a hostile person is actively causing death or serious bodily injury, or the threat of imminent death or serious bodily injury to person(s) within a building, 我们建议实施以下程序. Notification of a hostile person on campus may come from a pre-recorded message on the campus phones, 或者通过跑步或电子邮件.

 而政策指南主要指的是学术建筑, it should be stated that these procedures are also relevant to administrative buildings and other common buildings on the campus:

  • 教师们应该立即关闭教室的门. 如果可能的话把它们锁起来. Attempt to cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into the hallway.
  • 如果通讯正常,请拨打911. 然后拨打UNE安全和安保电话. 366.
  • 不响火警警报.  A fire alarm would signal the occupants to evacuate the building and thus place them in potential harm as they attempted to exit.
  • 锁好窗户,拉上百叶窗或窗帘.
  • 远离窗户.
  • 关掉电灯和所有音响设备.
  • 尽量保持冷静.
  • 让大家团结在一起.
  • 保持教室安全,直到警察到达并给你指路.
  • 如果你不在教室里,试着去教室或办公室.
  • 不要去空旷的地方,尽量保持安静.
  • 如果出于某种原因, 你被困在一个开放的地方,比如走廊或休息室, 你必须决定你要做什么. 这是一个非常关键的时刻,可能意味着生或死. 
  1. 你可以试着躲起来, 但要确保它是一个隐蔽的空间, or you may be found as the intruder moves through the building looking for victims.
  2. If you think you can safely make it out of the building by running, then do so. 如果你决定跑步,不要跑直线. 尽量保留桌子、橱柜、固定装置等物品. 在你和敌对的人之间.  一旦出门,不要走直线. Use trees, vehicles and other objects to block you from the view of intruders. When away from the immediate area of danger, summon help by whatever means possible and warn others.
  3. If the person(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide, 如果周围有其他受害者,你可以选择装死.
  4. Your last option if you are caught in an open area in a building may be to fight back. This is dangerous, but could be your final option depending upon your situation.
  5. 如果你被闯入者抓住而不打算反击, 服从一切命令,不要直视闯入者的眼睛.
  6. 警察一到,就要服从一切命令. 这可能包括戴上手铐,或者把手举在空中. This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, 他们会给你进一步的指示.


When a hostile person (s) is actively causing deadly harm or the imminent threat of deadly harm within the residence hall, 我们建议实施以下程序:

  • 把自己锁在房间里.
  • 如果通讯正常,请拨打911.
  • 如果离开你的房间,和其他人一起住在一个可以上锁的房间里.
  • 不要呆在敞开的大厅里. 
  • 不响火警警报.  A fire alarm would signal the occupants in the rooms to evacuate the building and thus place them in potential harm as they attempted to exit.
  • Barricade yourself in your room with desks, beds or anything you can push against the door.
  • 锁好窗户,拉上百叶窗或窗帘.
  • 远离窗户.
  • 关掉所有的灯和音响设备.
  • 试着保持冷静,尽可能保持安静.
  • 如果出于某种原因 you are caught in the open such as hallways and lounge areas, 你必须决定你要做什么.  This is a very crucial time and can possibly mean life or death depending on what actions you take.
  1. 你可以试着躲起来, 但要确保它是一个隐蔽的空间, or you may be found as the intruder moves through the dorm looking for more victims.
  2. If you think you can safely make it out of the building by running, then do so.  如果你决定跑步,不要跑直线.  Keep any objects you can between you and the hostile person (s) while in the building.  一旦出去,不要跑直线.  Use trees, vehicles or any type of object to block your view from the residence hall as you run. When away from the immediate area of danger, summon help by any means possible and warn others.
  3. If the person(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide, 如果周围有其他受害者,你可以选择装死.
  4. The last option if caught in an open area in the dorm may be to fight back.  This is dangerous, but depending on your situation, could be your final option.
  5. 如果你被闯入者抓住而不打算反击, 服从一切命令,不要直视闯入者的眼睛.
  6. 警察一到,就要服从一切命令. This may involve your being handcuffed or made to put your hands in the air.  This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, 他们会给你进一步的指示.


When a hostile person(s) is actively causing death or serious physical injury or the threat of imminent death or serious physical injury to person(s) on the University grounds, 我们建议实施以下程序.

  • 如果可以的话,尽可能快地逃离威胁.
  • 不要走直线.  
  • 跟在车辆后面, 灌木, trees and anything that could possibly block your view from the hostile person (s) while you are running.
  • If you can get away from the immediate area of danger, summon help and warn others.
  • If you decide to hide, take into consideration the area in which you are hiding. 我会在这里被找到吗? 这里真的是藏身的好地方吗?
  • If the person(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide 如果周围有其他受害者,你可以选择装死.  
  • The last option you have if caught in an open area outside may be to fight back. This is dangerous, but depending upon your situation, this could be your last option. 
  • 如果你被闯入者抓住而不打算反击, 不要直视闯入者的眼睛并服从所有的命令. 
  • 警察一到,就要服从一切命令.  This may involve being handcuffed or made to put your hands in the air.  This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, 他们会给你进一步的指示.

This policy guide cannot cover every possible situation that might occur, but it is a tool that can reduce the number of injuries or deaths if put into action as soon as a situation develops. Time is the most important factor in the optimal management of these types of situations.