

你必须通过U-在线提交毕业申请. 登录后, 选择学生服务 > Student 记录 > 应用 to Graduate, 然后按照屏幕上的指示操作. 你只能在网上提交一次毕业申请. 编辑您的应用程序(例如.g. 地址变更、名称变更等.),需要电邮至 degreeaudit@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 有了新的信息.



6月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, and professional students to file a Graduation Application for the 8月31日 graduation date.
9月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, and professional students to file a Graduation Application for the 12月31日 graduation date.
1月30日本科生最后一天, 研究生, and professional students to file a Graduation Application for the May commencement and graduation date.

这所大学每年有三个可能的毕业日期. You should select the date by which you anticipate having completed all of your degree requirements. 参见下面的指导方针. Please note: There is only one commencement ceremony each year and it is in May. 8月和12月的毕业日期只有日期,没有仪式. 所有课程必须在毕业日期前完成并评分.

  • 如果您将在春季学期完成最后的课程,请选择“五月”. The graduation date on your diploma will correspond to the May Commencement ceremony date.
  • Choose “August” if you will finish your final classes any time during the Summer session. 你毕业证书上的毕业日期是8月31日.
  • 如果你将在秋季学期完成最后的课程,请选择“十二月”. 你毕业证书上的毕业日期是12月31日.
What should I do if I receive an error message saying that I am not eligible to submit a Graduation Application online?
请电子邮件 degreeaudit@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 寻求帮助.
How will I know that my Application to Graduate has been received by the 注册商’s Office?

登录U-在线,选择“学生服务”,然后选择“学生记录”,然后选择“申请研究生”. 在屏幕底部,选择查看毕业申请. 


If you filed a Graduation Application and it is discovered that you did not meet all degree requirements, 你将在毕业后大约两周收到书面通知. This letter will be sent to the diploma mailing address you provided at the time you filed your Graduation Application. 否则,你的文凭将在毕业后六到八周寄出. You can also view your Unofficial Transcript via U-在线 which will reflect your graduation status once posted. If you have not received a letter from UNE or your diploma by eight weeks after graduation, 请致电(207)602-2138与注册办公室联系.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have met all graduation requirements.

What should I do if I have not completed all degree requirements by the graduation date for which I originally filed my Application to Graduate?

You will need to re-file a Graduation Application with the updated graduation date of when your degree requirements will be met. 重新提交毕业申请没有特别费用; 然而, 毕业申请截止日期仍然适用.

我在全球网络赌博平台的最后一个学期要修一门国外旅游课程, 这会影响我毕业吗?

如果课程的旅行部分发生在毕业日期之后, the final grade for the course will not be available in time to award your degree. 获得足够学分的高年级学生, 包括这门课, 可以参加五月的毕业典礼吗, 如果符合条件, 不考虑这门课程就会被授予荣誉吗. 学位授予日期为8月31日.


电子文凭:学位授予后的一周,您将收到一封电子邮件 羊皮纸.com 听你的.edu email address notifying you that your electronic diploma is ready to be claimed. 要申请电子文凭,您需要 创建一个羊皮纸账户 (if one has not already been created) and review your mailing address within 72 hours; otherwise, 它将被邮寄到你毕业申请表上列出的地址.


纸质文凭:羊皮纸将打印和包装的文凭邮寄.你将收到一封来自羊皮纸公司的电子邮件.Edu的电子邮件地址,提醒您打印的文凭已经寄出. 交货时间为4-6周.

There are a few reasons you may not have received your diploma: a hold on your account, 不准确的文凭邮寄地址, 或者你的毕业状况有问题.

If you have not received a paper diploma six weeks after degree conferral, please email degreeaudit@parkcitiesflowermarket.net.


Your name will appear on your diploma as you entered it on your Graduation Application. 当你通过U-在线提交毕业申请时, 您的学生记录中的姓名和学位信息将被显示. 如果你想在你的文凭上出现一个不同的名字, you will be able to change your first and middle name on the Graduation Application without affecting your permanent student record.

Your last name cannot be changed via the Graduation Application because it must match the name we have on file for you. 为了改变你的姓氏, 你需要填写一份更名表格并提交, 连同所有适当的文件, 注册官办公室. 一旦这个过程完成,你的名字将被更新.

文凭名称将显示为First Name, 中间名/首字母(如果需要), 姓, 和后缀(如适用). 职称和学位不会显示在文凭上.


There are a few reasons you may not have received your diploma including a hold on your account, 不准确的文凭邮寄地址, 或者你的毕业状况有问题.您可以登录U-在线查看是否有保留,选择“学生服务”,然后选择“学生记录”,然后选择“申请研究生”). 

在屏幕底部, select View Holds and see your degree-awarded status via your Unofficial Transcript. If you have a Student Account hold on your account, reach out to Student Financial Services at sfs@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 讨论付款方案的选择. Diplomas will not be released until the student balance has been paid down in accordance to Maine law (Title 20-A §10015). Once your balance with the University has been settled, contact the 注册商’s office at degreeaudit@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 确认你的文凭已经准备好发放了.

请致电(207)602-2138或 degreeaudit@parkcitiesflowermarket.net 如果你在毕业后4-6周内没有拿到毕业证书.

Can I be invited to the commencement ceremony in May if I will not 研究生 until the following August or December?

If you will be within two courses (typically 6–8 credits) of completing your degree by the end of the Spring semester, you must file your application for May so that you will be invited to participate in commencement.

This application will expire after commencement and you will need to re-file a Graduation Application with the updated graduation date of when your degree requirements will be met. 重新提交毕业申请没有特别费用, 然而, 毕业申请截止日期仍然适用.


要求必须以书面形式提出,并使用 补领文凭表格(PDF). 此表格可邮寄至:UNE注册办公室, Decary Hall 114, 山滩道11号, Biddeford, 或传真(207)602-5927.

Diploma re-orders are processed on the first business day of each month and take four to six weeks to arrive.

Replacement diplomas cost $25 for under研究生 and master’s degrees and $100 for Doctoral degrees. Once your request is received, the diploma will be mailed in approximately four to six weeks.


大学拉丁文荣誉只在本科阶段颁发. Only students who have completed all degree requirements will have honors read at the commencement ceremony.


是的, 30 credit hours with a letter grade (not ‘TR’ or ‘P’ grades) earned at UNE are needed for graduation honors in a bachelor’s degree program and 20 graded credit hours are needed for an associate’s degree.


副学士、学士和硕士/CAGS文凭为8个.5” x 11.“博士文凭是14英寸× 18英寸.”






No. 未成年人只会出现在你的官方成绩单上.

我有两个专业. 我会得到两个文凭吗?

No. 你的两个专业都会列在一张文凭上. 只有完成双学位的学生才会获得两份独立的文凭.
